14 Simple Ways to Boost Metabolism Naturally

Some easy daily routine can do wonders for a better metabolism

Nauman Ahmad
5 min readNov 12, 2020

Metabolism is the chain of chemical reactions in the body cells to convert food in to energy and maintain the cell health state and organism. Metabolism is probably the most important body function. Metabolism builds and repairs our body. If we have more muscle ,less fat we are likely to have faster and better metabolism.

As we age, we tend to gain weight and lose the muscle so our natural metabolism suffers.Here are a few simple ways or tips that can improve our metabolism to have better standard of life.

1. Have a glimpse of Sunrise every day :

Get early morning sun on face. Don’t use sun glasses. Try to spend 15 to 20 minutes each day. It will improve your mood. Maintaining a good mood will help you to become more productive in your daily life, have a better self esteem and improved metabolism.

2.Find ways to reduce your sitting habits:

Don’t sit for too long. Try to find reasons to get up and move around. Sitting for up to eight nine hours will slow down your metabolism and also cause many other health issues as well. Even if you have to sit and work for that long, take a short break, may be after an hour or so , stand up , move around a bit . If you can find desk to stand on and work, go for it.

3. Eat healthy fat:

All fat is not bad. In fact healthy fats are wonderful to regulate key hormones like testosterone. It also makes you feel full so that you don’t consume too much calories and also avoid junkies. You can eat butter, olive oil and also fat from grass fead steaks. A short snack made of healthy fat is very good for you.

4. Increase intake of Protein Shakes

A higher protein intake boosts metabolism as it burns the calories even during the sleep. While too much protein can make you gain weight , protein is a must in your diet.You can make a protein shake by mixing banana, yogurt, chia seeds, peanut butter etc. Protein shake is safer to take. Fruit and plant based proteins are great for health. They help you gain muscle without increasing weight which is wonderful for metabolism.

5. Add more Magnesium in your diet :

Magnesium helps to regulate blood sugar and insolence levels particularly in obese persons. It has one of the most important roles in several biological processes like cell replication, proteins synthesis, synthesis of nucleic acids, and energy metabolism. Magnesium also metabolizes calcium and potassium in the body.

6. Add green vegetable to your diet

Vegetable like kale, spinach and many other greens have a lot of iron in them Iron is probably one of the most important minerals for body cell metabolism, repair, growth and development.

Moreover, green vegetable are known to consume more body effort for digestions process. It improves metabolic afterburn of the meals causing calorie burn, eventually leading to a raised metabolism.

7.Make apple a must in your daily diet:

Apples in diet helps improve metabolism. Apple has the vitamin c, fiber and also D-glucarat which helps in detoxification of liver. Vitamin B present in apples converts carbs , fat and proteins to energy . Vitamin K in apples helps in metabolism of protein.

8. Take black coffee moderately:

A moderate black coffee intake will give you short term metabolism trigger as it helps to release fat from the fat tissue. It can make you feel less tired so you can continue physical work for longer periods which help you loose fat. It is also low in calories. Some studies tell that black coffee can boost the metabolism up to 50 % for short period of time.

9. Help yourself with green tea:

Green tea has an antioxidant called “catechins” associated with fat loss, as it helps to break down the fats. Green tea helps to increase energy expenditure or calorie burn.

Some studies have come up with the conclusion that green tea can help to burn up to 3 to 4 % more calories ultimately leading to a metabolism boost.

10. Never skip you meal:

In their bid to lose weight, people at times start skipping important meals. This is the worst approach as you starve off your body cells, increasing you appetite for eating due to hunger, ultimately making you eat a lot more than what you otherwise would. This entire process makes the metabolism process to slow down. So never skip you meals.

11. Eat less but more often:

Today’s busy life keeps you away from your meals far too long. Even if you feel hungry, you don’t get enough time to eat for long intervals. Eventually when you get time you would eat a lot more. This approach slows down the metabolism. Eating more often but less is the best approach.

A small healthy snack or meal every 3 to 4 hours will do a wonderful job. This way even when you get time for full meal you’ll eat less because of reduced hunger. So a decreased calories intake will boost the metabolism.

12. Keep yourself hydrated

Water is known to stimulate the metabolism process. What chilled water actually does is that it stimulates heat production or thermo genesis. During the process body expends energy to warm up the chilled water that was consumed. More your expend the energy faster the metabolism.

Even if you don’t go for the chilled water and drink warm water ,it helps overall body cell health as cell need water to stay hydrated. If you can mix water with citrus fruit, the combination can help you loose weight by fat reduction. And reduced fat is associated faster metabolism.

13. Have Regular get together with Best Friends and family members:

Busy life makes it difficult to find time for loved ones and friends. Even if you find some time you prefer to have a chat with a friend on whats app or Facebook rather than going to see him. A face to face time with your friends and family loved ones will bring on wonderful mental health benefits for you. It will make you think and feel like human being and not just like a digital entity.

14. Exercise and Gain muscle:

Body keeps burning the calories all the time even if you are not doing anything. This calorie burning rate is even higher in the people who have increased muscle. So technically if you have more muscle you will have faster metabolism. So exercise to increase your muscle strength and loose fat. Less fat and more muscle is associated with faster, better metabolism.



Nauman Ahmad
Nauman Ahmad

Written by Nauman Ahmad

I am an IT Expert, who loves to talk and compare latest tech, based on specs, features, benchmarks, real time testing, dimensions and colors etc.

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